Lessons of Time and Choice
At this point in my life I truly realize that every day is a learning opportunity. Sometimes I wish the lessons didn’t take so long to get here.
Yesterday I went to the wake of a dear friend’s mom. We hadn’t physically seen each other in over 20 years. I think the last time was at our 10 year high school reunion. We had been the best of friends all through high school, and, if I remember correctly, junior high, too. We had participated in countless sleepovers and events – and then she moved away to go to college and we lost touch. Our only connection for these past years has been the holiday cards sent to each other.
Seeing her yesterday at the wake for those few moments made me truly wonder. Of course, firstly, I wonder where in the world had the time gone??? How could it have been possible that so many years have passed? Time does go by so fast, and of course every day is filled with priorities. But, every day we are lucky to have we are also lucky enough to have a new opportunity.
The swift passing of time is not an unfamiliar realization. I’ve certainly heard people express this same sentiment before. It is so easy to lose track of time. Personally, my days are filled to the brim with things that I “have” to do. In my personal experience, one day just rolls into the next. The week is gone, the month is gone, the year is gone… you get the idea.
I woke this morning thinking about this and asking myself how she and I could have lost touch and how we allowed so many years to pass in this manner.
So, there it is… the lessons of time and choice.
With this being said, I think about the saying, “Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today”. In my book, If I Knew Then What I Know Now, (www.IfIKnewThenBook.com) I wrote how I marvel how someone, somewhere had said all these amazing quotes and sayings that have been passed down through the years. They had “been there and done that”, and gave us all these secrets to have a better life. There is so much wisdom from the past if we pay attention.
“Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today”: What is something you have wanted to do and/or a person you have wanted to call?
Perhaps today is someday.
I’ve definitely been crossing things off my “bucket list” of things I want to do; but, what about all of those other things that I should do? We will make time in our busy lives if we really want to make the time.
Truly the days go by so fast. Don’t let another pass you by without touching someone you “should” call.
If you “should” do it, you probably should actually make it happen. I know I “should” have.
What do you CHOOSE to do today? How can you make those things a priority? And, if your day, like mine, is filled with the what I “have” to do’s, it may be time to reevaluate the “have to” and figure out how to create a schedule that suits life and love and freedom to do those things that we “should” do.
I certainly plan to reevaluate things a little.
After all, it is time to enjoy life. It is Time to Play!
Doreen Guma, MA, FACHE, CPC, CLC is a board certified healthcare executive, a certified professional life coach, the founder of the Time to Play Foundation, a 501c3 not for profit corporation inspiring everyone to enjoy life and author of If I Knew Then What I Know Now, Our Quest for Quality of Life. The concept behind time to Play and the Time to Play Foundation was absolutely created out of LOVE. Please see http://timetoplay.com/ for more information.
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