General Information, Happiness, LifestyleI am often told when I am doing make-up, "well, I always use. . . "
Well, if you've always used the same lipstick, eyeshadow, blush, foundation, etc., etc. for the last 25 years. . . you might just be dating yourself (and that's lonely!). I'm…
How Forced Change healed my life.
General Information, Happiness, HealthHave you been forced out of a job? Are you facing a health issue? A victim of a crime? Accident? Have you lost a loved one unexpectedly? Then you know that forced change embraces your life in an instant.
And that is where my message starts.…
General Information, Happiness, Health"Other things aren't there to create or bring you happiness. They are simply there to add to your life." -- The Zing; pg. 70
What ever happened to stick ball? How about hide-and-seek with your house as home base? What about playing outside…
Have Christmas in July!
General Information, Happiness, Health, LifestyleConsider buying gifts all year long. Not only will you avoid the January money hit, but you also avoid the crowd and get the size and style you want. Spend the holidays enjoying time spent rather than spending family time at the mall.
When you…
It's never too early.
General Information, Happiness, Health, LifestyleNow that you have a better financial handle for this year, pay it forward and plan in January for the next shopping season. This means taking a look at what you spent this year and start putting money away. It Set up a separate checking account…
Internet to the rescue.
General Information, Happiness, Health, LifestyleKnow what you want? eBay, Craig's list, and other discount sites may be able to give you a better deal. And there's no crowds. And the store doesn’t close. Even if you have to pay shipping charges, you will gain back family time and will avoid…
Stick to it.
General Information, Happiness, Health, LifestyleThe easiest way to overspend during the holidays is when impulse buying takes over. Plan the list, plan your budget, then stick to it. Make a deal with yourself that after you have bought a gift for everyone on the list, you can to go back and…
Take a financial inventory.
General Information, Happiness, Have Money, Health, LifestyleYou may have a budget in mind but the only way to stick to it is to pay cash. Whether you've got $100 or $1000 make sure you spend just that amount by avoiding the temptation to pay for it later. Got the urge to charge? Be bold and leave every…
Make a list. Check it twice… and three times… and more.
General Information, Happiness, Health, LifestyleAsk yourself this question. If I didn't buy a gift… would it really matter? Once you do that, then go back through the list and decide who can get a "budget" gift (something less expensive or, better yet, handmade). And there's nothing wrong…