The Biology of Belief and the Power of Placebos by Doreen Guma

    BEYOND INCREDIBLE! -- So over the snowstorm time while I have been home, I read the "Biology of Belief" by Bruce Lipton, PhD and then also watched the following video "Healing with the Power of Placebo". Incredibly,…

Getting Out Of The Blue Calls From IRS? Just Hang Up

Peter J Reilly ,   CONTRIBUTOR, Forbes Magazine After all this time it seems that IRS phone scams are still a thing. The IRS does not actually call people up and demand immediate payment nor threaten to have the local police come and arrest…

Life Hacks to Happiness- All the Endorphin Re leasers We Could Find

We see life hacks on line all the time. Some are great and others just make you say "WHY!!".  Starting today and continuing through this year ( or until I can't find any thing new) we will be scouring the internet for you and  putting together…