Keeping a Cool Head Can Earn You Money

You’ve heard it before: Don’t let emotions get in the way of business.  Well the adage holds true for investing, as well – probably even more so.  It seems easy enough to do, but when you see the value of your savings falling like a…

Thank You Maya Angelou

I’ll never forget the first time I read something by Maya Angelou. It was a number of years ago. I had been in New York City, and found a used bookstore. Bookstores are something I rarely pass up, and used bookstores are a treat for me. I…


1.  Do thorough research on locations you are thinking of moving to.  Compare statistics on cost of living, employment opportunities, education, healthcare, crime and tax structure to get an overview on the "livability" of a community.  You…

Remembering Those in Need

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  This article was triggered by my frustration trying to help a lovely woman in need and my inability to rally people to help.  It breaks my heart how one person can give so much and can wind up so alone, fighting insurmountable obstacles.  With…

I've Seen the Future...

I have been traveling non-stop for the past few months as opportunities were awarded to me that I just couldn't turn down.  And you know how much I love to travel!!  These incredible trips have all been true learning experiences.  One of…

Finding a Purposeful Midlife: Volunteer Vacations!

On my quest to find meaningful and purposeful ways for Baby Boomers to spend time, I stumbled on something and someone “truly amazing”: Global Volunteers and its co-founder Michele Gran. As I dug through the organizational literature, I…

Celebrate Today – Don’t Wait

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I woke up thinking about celebrations today.  I guess it was a result of this past weekend being Mother’s Day.  My mother used to frequently say, “Mother’s Day is not just one day, but every day”.  True.  This is a thought we could…

The Great Love Debate

So, as a well-known Dating and Life Coach, I’m going to be speaking on the expert panel at “The Great Love Debate Comes to NYC” and I need to say something profound, right? Something thought provoking, creative, show stopping, ground…

Connecting with your Loved Ones who have passed away for Comfort and Joy

As you may be aware from my bio, I am a psychic medium. As such I am able to help people by connecting them with their loved ones who have passed away. Although I was born with these abilities and was quite active as a young child, I, like many…