
Cognitive Dissonance - Being Open to a New Belief
A Reflection - Life Lessons, Happiness, Health, News to use for your life
FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real
A Reflection - Life Lessons, Happiness, Health, LifestyleOur mindset and stories can empower us or be our downfall.
In my book, I wrote, "If I Knew Then What I Know Now: I now know that a mind is a terrible thing to waste, but it may sometimes be a terrible thing to have. I have learned that our thoughts can keep us from rising to our full potential; that we can create our own prisons, sentencing us to live as tortured souls."

It's all a Facade
A Reflection - Life Lessons, Happiness, Health, LifestyleLast night, at the kitchen table, we were talking about actions and reactions of people and ourselves and the impact on ourselves and others. Imagine that! She is currently dealing with a situation of misunderstanding with a friend. Unfortunately, they are in a communication breakdown - the worst situation to reach a mutual understanding as it just festers anger and conflict - 2 negative emotions.

Behavior Check
A Reflection - Life Lessons, Happiness, Health, Lifestyle, News to use for your lifeAs I continue to prepare for a speaking engagement at a national conference regarding Addressing Workplace Hostility, I decided to research the current statistics on divorce.
In the United States it is shown that almost 50 percent of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce or separation – 41% of all first marriages, 60% of second marriages and 73% of all third marriages.
Anyone who knows me by now knows I love digging for root cause.

If You Want It, Do It
A Reflection - Life LessonsYes, we are busy, and life gets in the way. But, time keeps moving forward whether we do the things we have in our hearts to accomplish or not. Don't keep saying, "Someday I will _____________ (fill in the blank)", because, unless you commit to the first step, someday can pass you by with the years going by whether you start that dream or you do not. If you really want to do it you will find a way.

Honesty with Ourselves and Our Self Awareness for Quality of Life
A Reflection - Life Lessons, Happiness