A note from Doreen Guma

“Life is not a journey to the grave with intentions of arriving safely in a pretty well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming … WOW! What a ride!” – anonymous
Welcome to Time to Play
The above quote you have just read is my personal goal for the next chapter of my life. I’ve worked hard, gone to school, raised the kids. Now I’m working on the “Woo Hoo”.
For the record, although I cannot change anything in the past, I do wish I knew then what I know now (coincidentally the name of the book I’ve written — www.ifiknewthenbook.com). I would have been more aware to have savored every moment of my life experience. It is my desire to share this awareness to as many people as I can possibly touch for the rest of my days.
I truly believe that everyone has the power within to enjoy life and to make every moment of our day feel like we are at play.
That might sound difficult to grasp right now, but our first step is for our self-awareness. Our shift to focus on the positive and possibilities will also create life enjoyment as a reality for ourselves, our families and our communities.
Why did I start this project?
Aside from my desire to learn how to “play” and enjoy life, I should mention that I am a Board-Certified Healthcare Executive. I’ve worked in the healthcare industry since 1987 with a focus in quality improvement. I have observed an increase in people becoming more sick and sad. I’ve talked to people at end of life who have regrets.
I decided that there had to be something we could do to spark self-awareness and empowerment to enjoy life before end of life regrets… the earlier in life the better.
In my quest to learn, I have achieved Certification as a Professional Life Coach, Certified Social and Emotional Intelligence Coach and am an author.
For the purpose of Time to Play, it is important to note that “Play” is used synonymous with “quality of life”.
I’ve realized that you cannot have quality of life if you are not happy, healthy, if you don’t have money, or if you have no work-life balance. This has become the Time to Play Philosophy, and the Foundation provides resources and education in these areas to empower others.
I believe that if any of these are missing, you may not “play” but become stressed, sick or sad…
I’ve tried to put everything I could think of into this project to help people have a better life, have a happier life, and to be able to enjoy life… to learn what they need to know so they can enjoy life. To “plant a seed”, to spark a change, to make things better for themselves.
Another reason I’ve started Time to Play is I see so many who are tired. We’re working harder than ever.
As I talk to people, so many seem to be in the same rut. People aren’t happy. They’re stressed out. Jobs are demanding, life is demanding. There is no “time to play”. But, there’s more. It’s come to my attention that our youth need the time to play philosophy. The earlier, the better. And, I don’t believe there is any age cut off for having happiness, health, or enjoying life.
Time to Play offers many different things – programs and education, events, a free podcast, news, and products. I believe everyone needs something different to enjoy life. Our goal is to provide a reminder for you to schedule time — for ourselves — for our quality of life – for our happiness… and to provide products that may be helpful to remind you to enjoy life and keep you on track.
I hope you will join me in my “quest for quality of life”.
I hope the Foundation’s website will be place for fun, a place to find things to do, a place to share a story or an event, a resource.
I hope it will be, for you, a reminder to make your life play.
I look forward to hearing from you. Let me know of things you want to see on our site. And send lots of pictures and stories – doreen@timetoplay.com.
I hope to make you smile.
Doreen Guma, MA, FACHE, CPC, CLC, Founder