Time for US to Make Things Change
How can we make things change? How many times can we think that someone is going to fix everything for us? Do we really think a new president will fix it? The current one will fix it? “The government will make new jobs”. “If we wait things will get better”. Really? Look at the overwhelming problems everyone is facing today. Without becoming political, it does seem frustrating that no one seems to be working together to “fix” stuff. And, truly, we know that nothing can be done alone. A baseball team has to be a team. A football team has to be a team. Or they won’t win. That is the same with all of us. We need to be a TEAM.
It’s no wonder that so many people are defeated. They have given up. Some have stopped listening.
So, what should we do? Give up, too? That’s not what people in America do. We band together. We work together. We become a TEAM. A team committed to helping each other enjoy life.
No job? Should we wait for some big corporation to come in and employ everyone? Does that work? Look at the history where whole towns have died when industry leaves. Or, other times, big employers seem to have you over a barrel (a nice way to say it, right?) when they negotiate salaries and layoffs, and people have no choice. How about people becoming resourceful and developing their own jobs? Maybe they can employ others? Maybe they can build a TEAM?
Let’s keep thinking together. Americans helping each other. It’s what we do. We’re all part of the TEAM.
OK, so there’s more — we constantly hear healthcare is bankrupting our Country and that the obesity epidemic is getting worse. Many people need to take responsibility for themselves. If we continue to be unhealthy it will only cost us more in taxes to care for ourselves. More in taxes means we have to pay more. Paying more means we have to work harder or make do with less. I challenge you to do something.
Here’s another one. How many people go to bed hungry every night? There are so many AMAZING organizations out there who help. Some pack backpacks for the kids to go home with at the end of the school week so they have food for over the weekend. These are band aids and patches. Not solutions. Can our communities truly work together throughout the year, not just at holiday time, to figure out what we can do to solve the problems we face? SOLVE is the key word, here. Sure can! We’re a TEAM!
We can go into each area of the timetoplay philosophy but it’s not my intention to preach. Only to motivate each of us into action. To work together. To help each other succeed. People helping people. To be a TEAM.
Not Happy? Do something about it.
Not Healthy? Do something about it.
No Money? Do something about it.
No work life balance? Do something about it.
There’s not just one solution but a bunch of different things, working together, that will make things change. We know the problems. It’s the power of the people that will make a difference.
What have you done today? Who did you help? Let us know (this is the link to the forum – let’s start to keep a tally). I am building a team committed to a goal to help 1 million people. And, although many of people feel alone in what they, individually, are facing, we are all part of the team. If we work together, that’s just the beginning.
It’s time to enjoy life.
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Embrace the www.timetoplay.com philosophy: You have to be happy, healthy, have money and a work life balance to have quality of life. Become one of the team with a goal to help a million people. It’s time to enjoy life.
Action for Prosperity.
A Team is Far More Effective than Several Individuals Competing for the Same Goal.
We Need to be More Tolerant of Each Other and Work Together for Prosperity.