If it’s all a Facade, maybe it is Time to Be True to Yourself

Be true to yourself – a lesson I heard spoken by my daughter yesterday.  At 24 years old, she is wiser than most people I know.

Yesterday she spoke about being herself – her appearance, her actions. Today I woke today thinking about what she said and the song from the play Jeckyl and Hyde (here it is if you want to listen https://youtu.be/twRIdbAZlw0).

Last night, at the kitchen table, we were talking about actions and reactions of people and ourselves and the impact on ourselves and others. Imagine that!

She is currently dealing with a situation of misunderstanding with a friend. Unfortunately, they are in a communication breakdown – the worst situation to reach a mutual understanding as it just festers anger and conflict – 2 negative emotions.

During our conversation she said she is what you see.  How she dresses, her actions, her behaviors.

It makes you think about making sure to keep that reality check going to make sure you are being true to yourself.

Trying to “fit in” or to be someone else to “fit the mold” is exhausting and unfulfilling to our souls.  Trying to be who we are not to accommodate what someone else wants us to be is exhausting, as well.

And, of course, I might as well add, looking for life satisfaction through another person does not happen, even though we think they can “fill a hole” for us.  Somewhere along the way I heard a quote in a Wayne Dyer talk – “There is no without. There is only within”.

Today, drop the facade. Look inside yourself and let your real person flourish. External people or things do not create happiness in our lives.  It does, indeed, only come from within.

So, some questions to ask yourself: How do you feel – good, stressed, happy, sad? Who is the behavior serving? What are you trying to accomplish?

If everything feels good, and you are feeling good about your life experience, keep on keeping on.  If not, take a little time to do some “soul searching” and see how you can shift your perspective to create your best life.

Believe in yourself.  You are, truly, awesome.

Changing our perspective to accept ourselves and all of our gifts makes it possible for every moment of our day to feel like we are at play.

I believe that it’s time to enjoy your life.

I believe that it is TIME to Play <3


Doreen Guma

Photo credit: https://keepcalms.com/p/keep-calm-cause-its-all-a-facade/

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Doreen Guma, MA, FACHE, CPC, CLC:  Doreen holds a Bachelor of Science in Management, a Masters in Business and Policy Studies, is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives, a Certified Social and Emotional Intelligence Coach, Certified Professional Coach, Certified Life Coach, and the author of the book, If I Knew Then What I Know Now, Our Quest for Quality of Life.

Doreen is the founder of the Time to Play Foundation, a 501c3 not for profit organization with the mission and purpose to enrich the lives of others through programs, public awareness outreach activities, events and learning opportunities that further the concept of enjoying life.  The Foundation’s website, www.TimetoPlayFoundation.org, has resources, events and articles for a person to learn what they need to know for a better life.  Contact Doreen at 631-331-2675 or email: doreen@timetoplay.com

The Foundation offers an unconventional approach in a non-threatening manner to provide solutions for the life situations that people may encounter.  Working in healthcare since 1987, and with her background in quality improvement, she has followed statistics showing our society’s current evolution to be more “sick and sad”.   She developed the Time to Play Philosophy:  you have to be happy, healthy, have money and a work / life balance for quality of life and believes everyone has the ability to enjoy life.

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