Ugg. I Choked. Lesson Learned.

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So, I had a great opportunity yesterday.  I was on a live radio show to promote -- my "midlife crisis" project that had taken a good part of my life last year.  My passion.  My "pebble in the pond" to start the ripple to…

Just Do It! Maybe it's time to explore your passion . . .

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"I HAVE NOTHING TO DO!"  It's starting already, and school is not even over yet.  Anyone who is a parent has heard this statement.  And, if you have never had your own children, you can even remember saying these words to your parents yourself. My…

A Labor of Love

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Today is the day the site "launches".  It is finally done.  And the TimetoPlay van is rolling! We've worked on this for over 10 months.  "It's done", I'd declare.  But, it was not done.  We'd go back to the drawing…

Celebrate Life

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So, even though, my "Quest for Quality of Life", is in its infancy, it has been helpful for me so far.  Although not quite done, it has started to drive an awareness in me that I have never experienced.  I have made a…

What's in my Chocolate? What is PGPR???!!!

So... I try to eat natural foods.  Organic if possible.  No chemicals, no preservatives, no antibiotics.  No fungicides.  No genetically modified foods. Why?  I truly believe the food we eat is making people sick.  I believe that food…


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It's Spring!  Time to start to notice the little things.  The buds, the flowers, the grass turning green.  It happens in an instant.  One day it's brown and grey.  The next, everything has popped. It's amazing to me - that things can…

Don't Buy Me Anything for our Anniversary

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I was talking to a friend who said that he and his wife celebrated their wedding anniversary the other day.  She told him not to buy her a gift. As this blog is associated with a "quest for quality of life", his words inspired me to write…

Meet Matt and Valerie, an inspirational recount

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Visit for ways to find your quality of life. The direction of "the Quest for Quality of Life" blog has changed -- the goal is to share inspirational stories, amazing stories, and lessons learned from others.  To share…

Every Action We Take Provides a Reward or a Consequence

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So, it has taken 45 years for me to start figuring things out.  I guess that's better than never. I have always advocated being proactive.  During my corporate career one of my job functions was quality improvement.  That is what I base…