Where does communication with an audience begin?

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It is with the most important audience member of them all, you.Recently I was out for my Sunday morning run and came across three very distinctly different situations for me to communicate. Yet there was a commonality in each one. It is this…

MANAGING STRESS EFFECTIVELY - Love Yourself - Take Care of Yourself

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Often we underestimate the effect of stress on our lives. Stress affects us on a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical level. It creates dis-ease in our bodies. When you are on overload, preoccupied with responsibilities and completely overwhelmed,…

"You can’t get rid of a bad habit, but you can replace it with a good habit." - Dr. Mehmet Oz

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I recently saw a Chantix commercial and was astounded at how long it lasted. I was in the kitchen and not really paying attention to the T.V. When I realized it was lasting so long because they had to list all the side effects of the drug, my…

Reasons to Quit: When Smokers Quit—Their Health Benefits Over Time

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20 minutes after quitting: Your heart rate and blood pressure drops. (Effect of Smoking on Arterial Stiffness and Pulse Pressure Amplification, Mahmud, A, Feely, J. 2003. Hypertension:41:183.) 12 hours after quitting: The carbon monoxide…

Are You Ready to Join the Ranks of the Non Smokers?

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New Law Bans Smoking In Public Places In New York City, Including Parks, Beaches, And Pedestrian Plazas! Smoking affects your LOOKS, your WALLET and your HEALTH! Yes, it is true, only 3 cigarettes a day puts you at risk of dying from cardiovascular…

Setting Goals is All About Making a Commitment to Yourself Repeat after me..."I am CAPABLE, I am CONFIDENT, I am COMPETENT!

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Tips for GOAL Setting:1. Commitment is essential to achievement. Commit to making a change.2. Choose a goal(s).3. Take the required action steps that will move you in the direction of achieving your goal.4. Energize your recipe for success by…


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An interesting phenomenon occurred recently. I was spending an evening with friends when one of my friend's 13 year old nephew showed up and was asking us dating advice. Another friend teased him saying that he had tobulk up to attract a girl.…

Benefits of Expressing Gratitude Daily

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We are at that time of year again when it is expected that you reflect on what you have and be thankful by expressing gratitude and by reaching out to those that are less fortunate. Well, I would like to challenge you todevelop an "Attitude…


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A Brief Overview: Reiki is an ancient Tibetan method of natural healing that was rediscovered by a Japanese physician and widely taught as a technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. The word Reiki is made of…