Setting Goals is All About Making a Commitment to Yourself Repeat after me…"I am CAPABLE, I am CONFIDENT, I am COMPETENT!

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Tips for GOAL Setting:

1. Commitment is essential to achievement. Commit to making a change.
2. Choose a goal(s).
3. Take the required action steps that will move you in the direction of achieving your goal.
4. Energize your recipe for success by adding PASSION into the equation.
5. Always keep your focus on what you desire.

Be SMART when setting your goal(s):

S – Specific, Significant, Stretching

M – Measurable, Meaningful, Motivational

A – Agreed upon, Attainable, Achievable, Acceptable, Action-oriented

R – Realistic, Relevant, Reasonable, Rewarding, Results-oriented

T – Time-based, Timely, Tangible, Trackable

*Writing down your goal(s) makes them much more effective! This makes your goal(s) more concrete. It will give you motivation for movement…the ‘legs’ necessary for you to begin taking action steps toward achieving
your goal(s).

*Review your goal(s) periodically and make necessary adjustments. Ask yourself what is working (keep it up), what is not working (shift gears) and PERSEVERE!

*Utilize an accountability partner and/or mastermind group to keep you focused and on target.

*Have the right ATTITUDE…express GRATITUDE daily!

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