It is almost that time again...
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Happiness, Health, Lifestyle, Work Life BalanceIt is 4:00 pm- do you know where you are going after work? Come one people we can make it one more hour! Usually this tends to be the longest hour of day but lets all pull together and make the best of it!
I just posted all the Time to Play…
an apple a day helps you play!
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Happiness, Health, Lifestyle, Work Life Balance
The major premise behind my website,, is that to enjoy the spare time we all find in a day we need to be health conscious. I try to incorporate as much educational resources for my website visitors so they can understand…
something to ponder...
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Happiness, Health, Lifestyle, Work Life BalanceTime to play tip of the day: "If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author and everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page!" - Mark Houlahan
Isn't that the beauty of waking up…
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Happiness, Health, Lifestyle, Work Life BalanceI am so tired. And not just today, everyday. I wake up at 5am most mornings in the dark. I try to go to the gym just to give myself that little oompf throughout the day. I come home to shower, get the kids off to school, and then off to the…
Worked Hard, Time to Play
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Happiness, Health, Lifestyle, Work Life BalanceEvery day we get up, get dressed, go to work. We try to do our best. Always so busy, working, taking care of the kids, going food shopping. . .
But, each week goes so fast -- it's really a blink.
The big question -- how to fit it all in?