Maybe it’s Time to March for ROOT CAUSE instead of Band-Aids

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I believe this Henny Youngman joke can be applied to tremendously improve the current way we address and "fix" issues in our society.  Stick with me and I’ll explain. It seems we are conditioned to a apply a band-aid approach to…

Time to Enjoy Life -- 7 Years and Counting!

WOW!!!!!   I can’t believe this photo was taken 7 YEARS AGO!!! The concept for “Time to Play” started in 2010, and this photo was taken to show the importance of making a life balance from working so hard (note the business suit)…

We Can Feel Helpless Or Hopeful - By Doreen Guma

  June 12, 2017 The other day a friend posted an article that the Huffington Post printed -- That Heroin is now the leading cause of death in Americans under 50 years old.  The article reported that 144 people will die from accidental…

What do our people need?  A Sense of Community and Belonging

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A few days ago I was privileged to attend a conference that focused on our veterans, the issues they faced after discharge from service, their expectations, their feelings of social isolation, and how, together, we could provide resources and…