Time to Enjoy Life — 7 Years and Counting!
WOW!!!!! I can’t believe this photo was taken 7 YEARS AGO!!!
The concept for “Time to Play” started in 2010, and this photo was taken to show the importance of making a life balance from working so hard (note the business suit) and the need to make time to enjoy life and to remember to take time to play (aka ride like the wind).
Time sure does fly – 7 years – it seems like yesterday (or forever, depending on the day LOL!).
But, I keep on keeping on… against all odds… reading, researching and gathering valuable information, people and resources and making small strides forward to build the Time to Play Foundation.
Because I believe everyone has the opportunity to enjoy life.
I believe that all that is missing is their awareness to KNOW THEY CAN.
My vision for the Time to Play Foundation is to provide a reminder and reinforcement and a message that we can love our life. To provide a VISIBLE, proactive and non-threatening approach for people to learn what they need to know to be happy, healthy, have money and a work life balance and to enjoy life. It’s a different approach to our usual reactive counseling, recovery and reinvention.
And, that’s the ultimate goal, right?
To enjoy our life?
Because, even though people say they can’t, and that they have to struggle and have negative life experiences which “make them stronger”, I believe we can enjoy life by learning to be aware of our choices, which in turn will create a better life for ourselves and our communities.
And, further, I believe we can teach our youth to better deal with everyday life situations so they can proactively create the best life they can for themselves.
History will repeat itself if we let it. I think it’s certainly time for us to stop letting it.
I believe that AWARENESS is the key.
I believe it is just that simple, although people will surely argue with me.
I believe that awareness is the first step to stop feeling helpless and hopeless. That our awareness is the first step to finding the possible and the possibilities to make a shift in our lives and stop living our stories, or our experiences that do not serve us, to achieve the goal of life enjoyment.
I believe that it is time for us to stop making excuses and to start taking action.
Make a STOP sign.
Make a lot of STOP signs.
Put them everywhere. Every time you feel a negative thought or feeling coming, look at it.
Then, STOP.
Take a moment to reflect on what is the root cause of what is causing that negative feeling or situation, and then think of what you can do to STOP the momentum and shift and / or make a small change to move towards a better feeling and a preferred life experience. Take a moment to STOP and evaluate your options and make it happen.
And, for those things you cannot change… and there are many things in our life situations that we cannot change, maybe today is the day for you to let them go.
Maybe, today, it is finally time to create a peace with whatever is stealing your ability to love your life.
Maybe, today, it is time to stop reliving the stories, because all they are at this point is just that… stories.
I’m not perfect at this.
I need constant reminders to STOP, as well. I am thankful for my husband Jim every day. He is a constant reminder to me to STOP. He is my accountability partner. Think of someone who you can ask to be an accountability partner to keep you on track. I am grateful that he is there with me to make sure I shift, because those things we cannot change can surely create havoc in our lives if we let them, and, for sure, negative feelings don’t serve us.
Remember — I believe we just have to be aware we can shift.
Make today the day you start to make that dream happen.
Make today the day you start to move forward.
I believe that each and every one of us is incredibly powerful and can truly move mountains.
Today it’s time to feel our power.
Life is short, and I believe we are put on this earth to enjoy our life. I believe that every moment of every day we should be enjoying life. I believe every moment of every day you should feel like you are playing. If it does not, with your new awareness, STOP, take a moment and evaluate your situation. Identify things you can change and start to look at the options available to shift something. Make one small change. Look at the possible.
I believe it’s really that easy.
I believe there is a solution to every problem, and, I believe that the only reason a problem is a problem in the first place is because we label it to be so.
So, maybe today, it’s time to stop making excuses. Maybe today it is time to make that change — maybe today is your “someday”.
I believe it is time to enjoy our life. It is time to play.
P.S. — I believe everyone has something to offer that can help someone else. The Foundation was formed on the concepts of people helping people and collaboration = success. Please call me to join the movement at 631-331-2675, and please check out our website at www.timetoplayfoundation.org.
Looking forward to hearing your suggestions and comments.
P.S.S. — I have found a key in our super cool PREinvent YOUR Life(r) program and Social and Emotional Intelligence. If you want to change your learned behavior NOW, not after 20 years of counseling, call me at 631-331-2675.
Love, Doreen
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Doreen Guma, MA, FACHE, CPC, CLC: Doreen is the author of the book, If I Knew Then What I Know Now, Our Quest for Quality of Life (www.ifIknewthenbook.com). She has earned a Bachelor of Science in Management, a Masters in Business and Policy Studies, is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives, a Certified Social and Emotional Intelligence Coach, Certified Professional Coach, and Certified Life Coach.
She has worked in healthcare since 1987 with many of those years in quality improvement, and has watched the indisputable increase of the “sick and sad” in our society. Believing there is a better way, she founded the Time to Play Foundation, a 501c3 not for profit organization with the mission and purpose to enrich the lives of people and communities through programs, public awareness outreach activities, events and learning opportunities that further the concept of enjoying life.
The Foundation’s website, www.TimetoPlayFoundation.org, has resources, events and articles for a person to learn what they need to know to create a better life.