“You can never control the effects of fear yourself, because you made fear, and you believe in what you made” page 14 – A Course in Miracles

Everything we hear about in our day wells up feelings of fear – if we let it.  Things on Facebook, definitely the things reported in our daily news, things other people say.  It is my opinion that these negatives and statements to create FEAR in our people is poison to our minds and our well-being.

When we believe what “they say” and we apply meaning to what “they say” then we have fear:  FEAR we will get sick; FEAR we will get the flu, FEAR we will get cancer; FEAR “something” will happen; FEAR of others, FEAR of crime, FEAR of “bad people”; FEAR of “bad countries”….

FEAR of _______________(what do YOU Fear? Fill in the blank).

OMG — I even got an article in a daily news feed the other day reporting and telling me how bad our allergy season “might” be.  I bet the people who have allergies are already sniffling.

I believe this fear-mongering is a negative “seed” that gets implanted in our minds to make us think the negative and the “what if” instead of “what IS”.

FEAR paralyzes us.

I came upon A Course in Miracles, a series of writing published in 1976 accidentally “on purpose” as Ira, a very important person on the Time to Play Foundation’s team, would say.  In as much as I have only started reading it, I have found a few “Ah-ha’s” already.

Everything I have been learning points to self-awareness.  Self-awareness is a key and the foundational step in our own emotional intelligence — which, by the way is learned behavior that NO ONE teaches us.  Emotional intelligence is a skill our parents didn’t know, and you can’t teach what you don’t know.  Lack of emotional intelligence creates “broken” people who create “broken” kids and the cycle continues as I had written in my book If I knew Then What I Know Now a few years ago, (www.ifiknewthenbook.com).

Any time we can get awareness about our self and tools to control our thoughts — to STOP and take a moment to shut our unconscious downward spiral down — to recognize the thoughts that help us or hurt us, is an amazing thing.

If you need help stopping the downward spiral and need some inspiration to get “unstuck”, give us a call.  My vision has been to create a community where we can empower each other to live the best life ever for ourselves, our family and our community.  I continue to strive forward to do just that.

I believe that it’s time to enjoy your life.

I believe that it is TIME to Play <3 Love, Doreen Guma

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Doreen Guma, MA, FACHE, CPC, CLC:  Doreen holds a Bachelor of Science in Management, a Masters in Business and Policy Studies, is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives, a Certified Social and Emotional Intelligence Coach, Certified Professional Coach, Certified Life Coach, and the author of the book, If I Knew Then What I Know Now, Our Quest for Quality of Life.

Doreen is the founder of the Time to Play Foundation, a 501c3 not for profit organization with the mission and purpose to enrich the lives of others through programs, public awareness outreach activities, events and learning opportunities that further the concept of enjoying life.  The Foundation’s website, www.TimetoPlayFoundation.org, has resources, events and articles for a person to learn what they need to know for a better life.  Contact Doreen at 631-331-2675 or email: doreen@timetoplay.com

The Foundation offers an unconventional approach in a non-threatening manner to provide solutions for the life situations that people may encounter.  Working in healthcare since 1987, and with her background in quality improvement, she has followed statistics showing our society’s current evolution to be more “sick and sad”.   She developed the Time to Play Philosophy:  you have to be happy, healthy, have money and a work / life balance for quality of life and believes everyone has the ability to enjoy life.