It's Time to Enjoy Life: The Enjoy Life Community Program™

Years ago I was the President of the Port Jefferson Station / Terryville Civic Association.  During my time as an officer, our organization functioned beyond its primary function of being a community watchdog.  Myself, Bill Theis and Jacki…


My sisters and I had breakfast together yesterday.  In our busy lives, it has been really hard to take time out to visit with each other.  Years ago I had suggested making a monthly family breakfast, and I’m actually glad this is hopefully…

“I’m going to die soon”

“I’m going to die soon.”  Yesterday I spoke with a relative who said this to me.  Not, thankfully, because she has any particular health reason for the statement, but because she bought a new couch. I asked her to explain. She discussed…

Do it anyway

We have an amazing group page, on facebook, (Facebook Group Link).  As a result of a post by Mike Pastore and then a post by Nancy Gordon today, I received a huge inspiration to write my weekly reflection:  Do it anyway. So, Mike started…

Divided We Fall

"Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall!"  -  Founding Father John Dickinson in his pre-Revolutionary War song "The Liberty Song", first published in the Boston Gazette in July 1768. I have…


Today I learned about a 56 year old man who was killed riding his motorcycle.  He was killed by a 22 year old boy who tried to make a left turn.  Unfortunately, that left turn was made right into this motorcyclist as he was just driving along. This…

The Big Picture

Something hit me while I was in the kitchen this morning.  I saw the sun coming up through the trees.  I’ve seen this similar occurrence over these past 24 years living in our home.  But, this time it was different.  A little voice inside…

The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side

This has been a topic of discussion that some of us at the Time to Play Foundation have been thinking and talking a lot about this over the past week. This proverb has been around and passed down from generation to generation.  I talk about…

What is YOUR Impact on Others?

Ask yourself:  When you talk to other people… people you may work with, people in your family -- your spouse, your siblings, your kids… do you encourage or discourage?  Do you propel a person to greatness or do you say something that can…