What's So Funny?" Let the Healing Begin

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There are times in life when laughter may be the farthest thing from your mind; however, my advice to anyone is that those are the most important times to use laughter. Some life situations that occur may be quite serious such as major health…

It's OK to Seek Help!

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When someone falls we have been taught that the proper thing to do is to grab their hand and help them up; the same goes for when we fall, there is a certain expectation that if someone is around they will help. However, as we age, situations…

A Societal Shift of Epic Proportions

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I am going to share a burden that has been on my heart with love, respect, and gentleness. Something concerns me greatly as I look at society today. We live in a Twittered, Face booked, "my views only"society where if you do not agree with…

I am a Child of the Sea…I grew up fishing and enjoying my "Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer”.

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Hello Everyone!  I'm sorry about my long Hiatus...   We have all been preparing for Doreen's anxiously awaited  Book!  (www.ifiknewthenbook.com) Summer’s here and it’s time to think.  The fact that you'll be showing more skin, and…

Go Yankees

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In light of all the superstar players placed on the disabled list for the New York Yankees, it is a wonder that they are doing as well as they are-or is it? What it really comes down to is a combination of great managing and commitment on the…

Brain Food: Brain Health Through Diet

“In a perfect world, food should provide all the necessary nutrients to support optimal brain health.” Turner, J. 2011, “Your Brain on Food: A Nutrient-Rich Diet Can Protect Cognitive Health”, Journal of American Society on Aging, 35…

Food Intolerance and IBD

Ever wonder how food plays a role in your digestion?  Sure, we know food is supposed to give us energy and help us to feel good.  But what happens when food makes us feel terrible?  Particularly if you have Crohn’s, Coltis, Ulcers,…

Glutathione: Your Body’s Best Kept Secret!

Glutathione, known as the body’s “Master Antioxidant,” is crucial to optimal health as it offers optimal cell performance and antioxidant support to fight against body stressors and aging. As it detoxifies cells of drugs, heavy metals…

What Do You See When You Look in the Mirror?

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Our body image is so important, and defines what we think of ourselves. Notice I did not write, “what our body looks like, defines what others think of us”, though that statement is absolutely true. Don’t we have different preferences?…