Inspire Someone
The articles I have written for the past months have all centered on how to empower yourself and how to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move forward, no matter what the situation. Usually I base these articles on some type of personal life experience I have had or a thought that comes to my mind due to something in the news or something I have seen.
This article is a little different. It’s more about looking at things outside yourself and actually seeing what is happening outside of your own daily experience. That overview statement is not meant to be rude. I just know that we become so busy in our everyday that sometimes we don’t “see”.
How many people have you ever talked to, or met, who you thought had an amazing talent or potential. Have you ever “taken that person by the hand” to help them aspire to be all they can be? We’ve all heard those sayings and phrases like “diamond in the rough”. The concept here is seeing that diamond and helping it shine.
My son Gregory (he’s a psychology major in NYC) and I speak about people who have dreams and desires and wind up in “dead end” jobs instead of pursuing their passion. I know that we all get stuck sometimes and have to take a job to feed the kids and pay the bills; however, from personal experience, (it took me 20 years to get my Master’s degree) and seeing others achieve that “life-long” dream, there is possibility for each and every one of us to do what’s in our hearts.
Sometimes, I’ve learned, we just have to chip away at “it” until “it” becomes reality – even taking those 20 years to accomplish. I read something many years ago by Ann Landers – many of you may never have heard of her. She passed away years ago and was an advice columnist that had a daily column in the newspaper. Someone had written to “Dear Ann Landers” and said they were considering going back to school but that it would take them 8 years to complete. She answered by writing back something like, “The 8 years will pass whether you go to school or not, so why not go?” Truly, I’ve lived by those words. I know you can make anything happen that you want to, and I do know the years will pass whether you do it or not. But, when you choose NOT to do it, there may be regrets. I choose to live life so I will have NO REGRETS. What do you choose?
Inspire others is the hope to create awareness to look at the positives, to see the potential, and to stop labeling people as sick, sad, depressed, “no good”… Perhaps it is time to look at the “diamond” and to see what they can be, to take them “by the hand” and encourage them to go for it. In my experience this has been the absolute opposite of what actually happens. I have experienced more people saying why they can’t or telling others why they can’t than actually making it happen. Maybe it’s easier. Maybe, deep down, they don’t want others to achieve what is in their hearts. Maybe that’s tough to say or tough to hear. Maybe we need to stop believing things can’t be done.
I believe the awareness, or a reminder that WE CAN, is all anyone needs. Sometimes all someone may need is to take a moment to stop, take a step back, and look at the possibilities. Sometimes, I’ve realized and I’ve seen, all it takes is the time to objectively look at and evaluate a situation, objective, or goal in order to find paths that will take us to where we want to be or to what we want to achieve.
That’s one of the driving forces behind Time to Play and the Time to Play Foundation. To encourage people to not have regrets. We only get one shot at this life, and there may not be an opportunity for “do-overs”.
Today, when you go to work, the store, school, or anywhere else, don’t disqualify the people who do even the smallest tasks. Take a moment to stop and talk to them. What do they love, what is their passion, what do they dream about.
Over the past weeks I have been working to coordinate the I CAN BExtraordinary® Fashion Show to benefit Special Olympics at the Smith Haven Mall in Lake Grove, NY that will be held this Saturday, 9/13.
Why did I choose Special Olympics Athletes to be models? These athletes inspire me. They are amazing examples of not seeing an obstacle, of making something happen, of “going for the gold”.
These Atletes don’t let anything stop them from achieving their goals.
They are absolutely extraordinary, and absolutely a learning example to those who think they can’t do something.
They Can. YOU Can. Others Can.
Look around today. Who is that diamond in the rough that just needs a little encouragement?
Inspire someone. Go for the gold.
Love, Doreen
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Doreen Guma is a person who has believed in “people helping people” her whole life, leading to the founding of Time to Play ( and the Time to Play Foundation, a not for profit organization with the mission and purpose to enrich the lives of others through programs, public awareness outreach activities, events and learning opportunities that further the concept of enjoying life. See more at
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