Remembering Those in Need
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Happiness, Health, Lifestyle
This article was triggered by my frustration trying to help a lovely woman in need and my inability to rally people to help. It breaks my heart how one person can give so much and can wind up so alone, fighting insurmountable obstacles.
Who said? It’s Time to Enjoy Life. It’s Time to Play.
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Happiness, Have Money, Health, Lifestyle, Work Life BalanceMy daughter, Jacquelyn, amazes me sometimes. She’s 19 years old and I believe that she is very worldly and insightful. She’s got a lot of common sense and insight. Pretty much, I think she’s taken after her father in this area! (LOL). …
"It's not a problem, only an inconvenience"
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Happiness, Have Money, Health, Lifestyle, Work Life Balance
I have to admit it. My husband, Jim, is the smartest person I know.
We've been married since 1988 and together since 1983. He's always been there. My rock. The guy who puts up with me and my crazy ideas. Although he still cringes…
Learning: The Key to Enjoying Life
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Happiness, Health, Lifestyle, Work Life BalanceI think I've finally got it. I think I've finally figured out how to enjoy life. I had an "ah ha" moment (thank you Jim Ryan for the terminology of Ah ha moments). I think the key to enjoying life is learning.
Here's some of my thoughts…
The Power of Now -- a journey to discovery
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Happiness, Have Money, Health, Lifestyle, Work Life BalanceDon't know if you have had the time to join in / read the book discussion re: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, but I'm up to page 65. Here's what I'm thinking about so far. . .
There are a lot of thought provoking statements in the pages…
The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Happiness, Health, Lifestyle, Work Life BalanceI started reading The Power of Now yesterday. I'm only up to page 14, and have seen some promise in this book as part of my journey of discovery. Bare with me -- I have to ramble on a bit to explain things, and I'll get back to the reason…
Every Action We Take Provides a Reward or a Consequence
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Happiness, Health, Lifestyle, Work Life BalanceSo, it has taken 45 years for me to start figuring things out. I guess that's better than never.
I have always advocated being proactive. During my corporate career one of my job functions was quality improvement. That is what I base…
Twas the Week Before Christmas when . . .
General Information, Happiness, Health, Lifestyle
Twas the week before Christmas when all through the house, office, car...Sheer panic approached with a twinkling from afar.
With packages in a mound still unwrapped, and cooking and cleaning yet still to come, So many activities, I almost…