How Does IT Affect Me

How Does This Affect MeI realize we frequently have constant chatter in our minds.  As a matter of fact, my brain rarely stops thinking (much to the dismay of my poor husband).

Yesterday, our 13 year old rescue dog, Charlotte, had a negative health event.  Before our appointment at the vet today, I realized my brain was involuntarily creating scenarios about how the situation (the “IT”) would affect me.

Perhaps, today, my mind created scenarios to prepare and protect me.  Thankfully, Charlotte is expected to recover within the next few days, diagnosed with vestibular old dog syndrome.

My take-a-way from today:  It is important to pay attention to our thoughts and stop the chatter that does not serve us.

Self-awareness is key.  If we feel our mind’s chatter is creating negative scenarios that make us feel uncomfortable, scared, angry, stressed, etc., our awareness can help us stop our wandering mind.

Something also super important is to take a moment to determine what is real and what is “the story” created by our mind.  Remember that, most of the time, our stories can create worry about things that never happen, but could have a negative impact leading to fear or anxiety.

It is also important to realize that, most times, life situations we encounter do not solely impact just ourselves and that our choices can also affect our families and, further, our communities.  It may be important to evaluate the impact of our potential choices, but that is a topic for another day.

Our power lies in our awareness that we have control to evaluate our next best move and choose our best options on how to move forward.

After all, it is time to choose to enjoy our life and make every moment of our day feel like we are at play.


Doreen Guma

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Doreen Guma, MA, FACHE, CPC, CLC:  Doreen holds a Bachelor of Science in Management, a Masters in Business and Policy Studies, is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives, a Certified Social and Emotional Intelligence Coach, Certified Professional Coach, Certified Life Coach, and the author of the book, If I Knew Then What I Know Now, Our Quest for Quality of Life.

Doreen is the founder of the Time to Play Foundation, a 501c3 not for profit organization with the mission and purpose to enrich the lives of others through programs, public awareness outreach activities, events and learning opportunities that further the concept of enjoying life.  The Foundation’s website,, has resources, events and articles for a person to learn what they need to know for a better life.  Contact Doreen at 631-331-2675 or email:

The Foundation offers an unconventional approach in a non-threatening manner to provide solutions for the life situations that people may encounter.  Working in healthcare since 1987, and with her background in quality improvement, she has followed statistics showing our society’s current evolution to be more “sick and sad”.   She developed the Time to Play Philosophy:  you have to be happy, healthy, have money and a work / life balance for quality of life and believes everyone has the ability to enjoy life.

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