Happiness for Dummies: Hardiness (Chapter 6)
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Happiness, Have Money, Health, Work Life Balance
I do marvel that Happiness for Dummies is not a "dummies" book, that it does have valid content that makes you think!
Dr. Gentry described hardy personality in Chapter 6 of Happiness for Dummies-- people who are resilient, who are survivors.…
Happiness for Dummies - Chapter 5, Optimism
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Happiness, Health, Lifestyle, Work Life Balance
So, we've heard about the power of positive thinking and optimism, or the "glass half full/half empty" mentality. But, I didn't really know all of the ramifications of having the half empty mentality. It's almost self-sabotaging.
Happiness for Dummies: Knowing What Happiness Isn't
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Happiness, Have Money, Health, Lifestyle, Work Life Balance
So, the book review continues, you can read on here or join in on the forum -- I'd love to start some real dialogue. As (by the way the new website layout will be up this week) is my quest for quality of life, I believe many,…
Happiness for Dummies - W. Doyle Gentry, PhD
A Reflection - Life Lessons, General Information, Have Money, Health, Lifestyle, Work Life Balance
It's been a while since I posted in this blog, mostly because I didn't want to supersede the last blog post, Learning: the Key to Enjoying Life. But, I started reading the book, "Happiness for Dummies", and figured I'd post what I've…