The PREinvent Your Life® program serves to enable individuals to develop skills to PREinvent their life versus the typical reinvention that is the customary approach in our society today. With these proactive tools, it is anticipated better choices could be made by the individual to be happy, healthy, have money and life balance to have quality of life.
The PREinvent YOUR Life® program is not a recovery or counseling program, but proactive life and coping skills that can create awareness of strengths and healthy options to individuals that, when implemented, may result in healthy choices, positive behaviors and a positive life experience.
Programs focus on topics such as coping, happiness, positive communication, emotional intelligence, life / work balance, business success, mindfulness. Programs are available for ages youth through seniors and those who currently experience a negative life situation with the goal to create a refocus to the utilization of positive strengths and options. The program is based on the concept of learned behavior and that no one is too old to learn how to Preinvent their life, including veterans or at-risk youth or other populations.
Background: With the increasing statistics in depression, suicidal ideation and drug use, no matter the current interventions including the media attention, awareness programs and prevention that is currently being offered, the Foundation sought to find an option to combat these societal concerns. The Time to Play Foundation is an enjoy life advocacy organization and not a recovery or counseling center. The goal for this program has been to create a solution that would offer a positive and proactive approach.
As part of the Foundation’s research, to develop a different approach toward a solution, a survey was created and presented to 9-12 grade high school students to find out what they believed was the most important thing they could learn. The survey, entitled PREinvent YOUR Life®, resulted in a statistically significant sample of 727 voluntary, confidential respondents out of a potential 1131 students queried. The findings provided valuable preventive insight, as well as a “key” concept that may not only eliminate self destructive behaviors, but would provide an opportunity for our Foundation to develop a proactive awareness that, while raising children, could provide them a lifetime of success and life enjoyment.
The findings showed that 90.65% of the respondents agreed or strongly agreed that “how to be happy as myself” was the most important “how to” that they needed to know in order to have an enjoyable life experience. Following the survey, the insight gleaned was validated through discussion with students and young adults. There was agreement supporting the idea that, if the students had learned preventive, positive coping skills they would have had options to deal with life situations they encountered in a more positive and proactive manner. Additionally, these positive skills, learned early, could have an impact on overall life satisfaction throughout an entire lifetime.
Further, the study findings could potentially provide a KEY to quality of life. Considering the implications behind the skill of “how to be happy as myself”, it may be safe to surmise that, if a person is happy as themselves they may make better choices with the potential to eliminate the use of self-destructive behaviors adopted to fill a void and/or hide some type of personal pain; for example, self-harm, suicidal ideation, or alcoholism.
Providing a toolbox for people “to be happy as myself” and Rationale:
A priority was established to develop a toolbox that would provide students and people of all ages with a learnable skill set so they would be able to respond to everyday life situations in their best manner possible.
The PREinvent YOUR Life® toolbox includes social and emotional intelligence competencies. Social and emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to be aware of our own emotions and those of others, in the moment, and to use that information to manage ourselves and manage our relationships.
In his 1995 book, Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman noted that, “Hazards await those who, in growing to maturity fail to master the emotional realm – how deficiencies in emotional intelligence heighten a spectrum of risks from depression or a life of violence to eating disorders and drug abuse”.
Emotional Intelligence is acknowledged to be a learned, not innate, behavior. Skills in Social and Emotional Intelligence can potentially help people respond vs. react to life situations in a more positive way.
The PREinvent YOUR Life® program is not a recovery or counseling program, but a “tool box” of proactive life and coping skills that can develop strengths and healthy options in individuals and an awareness that may result in healthy choices, positive behaviors and a positive life experience. Additionally, the PREinvent YOUR Life® program is intended to help a person focus on and to use these developed positive strengths and to choose positive options available to them at the time they will make a decision to act or respond to a life situation.
Therefore, it may be concluded that an enjoyable life experience starts with a healthy thought process and healthy self-perception. In the reactive recovery process we utilize today through our current self-help industry, we hear over and again how people cannot let go of their past and see how self-destructive behaviors are developed in response to lack of life skills and coping skills. We teach people to unlearn what they think and then relearn how to better cope with life situations. This thought process is what feeds our self-help industry, where we try to unravel past damage and unhealthy thoughts that cause the underlying motives behind self-destructive behaviors.
Although the intention is to provide the program in a PREventive manner, this program can be provided to people of all ages and life experiences. With the Foundation’s proactive approach it seems to be possible to eliminate so many who spend much of their lives without life enjoyment and to facilitate a better life experience.
Program Offering:
Programs are available for individual or group, students or faculty, in the following competencies. The program also combines life coaching and exercises to further bring awareness and choice to better decision making.
Surveys are available to be implemented as part of the program. Surveys provide a snapshot into social and emotional intelligence competencies. An extensive survey is available for people ages 11+. A streamlined survey is also available, as well as other options for younger persons.
Upon decision to proceed with this program, A questionnaire is provided to determine the areas of priority for the individual students, classroom, overall school community, or organization.
The Time to Play Foundation also offers workplace wellness programs as part of the PREinvent YOUR Life® program offering:
- emotional self-awareness
- accurate self-assessment
- personal power
- behavioral self-control
- integrity
- innovation and creativity
- initiative and bias for action
- achievement drive
- realistic optimism
- resilience
- stress management
- personal agility
- intentionality
- communication
- interpersonal effectiveness
- powerful influencing skills
- conflict management
- inspirational leadership
- catalyzing change
- building bonds
- teamwork and collaboration
- coaching and mentoring others
- building trust