How Much Sugar is Too Much Sugar or The Hard Facts on Soft Drinks

Whether your taking control of your health or just mindful of what you put into your body, this article gives you a good list of the hidden sugars in everyday foods ( Bag of M&M's 7.5 Tsp of sugar, WoW!).

Live a longer happier life in a Blue Zone

There are certain areas of the world where there are more citizens living healthy and happy well into there 90's and 100's  then anywhere else, not all are in remote places, there is one right in California! We can all take a lesson from these…

Benefits of a Diet Change

The Time to Play Philosophy is that you have to be happy, healthy, have money and a work life balance. As far as health, as a person who has worked in healthcare over these last almost 30 years observing the increase of “sick and sad” in…

Free radicals - What do they do?

Note:  This is the 2nd part of a 7 article series on reducing your cancer risk. Goals for this article:  To give you information on Free Radicals - What do they do?  What can free radical damage cause?  Name free radical  generators. Free…

What is Stopping YOU?

So, it’s the beginning of the 2nd quarter of 2016. Take a moment to stop and reflect on what you’ve been up to over these past three months (time does fly!), and make a plan, that’s right – a plan, for the second quarter. We use planning…

Positive Thinking

I woke up this morning thinking about the affects our thinking has on our lives, whether positive or negative. Mike Pastore, one of the Time to Play Foundation’s amazing Board members and I had been speaking to a man this past week.  He…

Don’t Put Off Till Tomorrow What You Can Do Today

We hear about the stories every day.  Someone passed away unexpectantly, someone has an unexpected illness… you know what I’m talking about. This morning I woke to a message from one of our Foundation’s team members that her brother-in-law…

It's Time to Enjoy Life: The Enjoy Life Community Program™

Years ago I was the President of the Port Jefferson Station / Terryville Civic Association.  During my time as an officer, our organization functioned beyond its primary function of being a community watchdog.  Myself, Bill Theis and Jacki…


My sisters and I had breakfast together yesterday.  In our busy lives, it has been really hard to take time out to visit with each other.  Years ago I had suggested making a monthly family breakfast, and I’m actually glad this is hopefully…